Being a stay at home mom is a tough job, and unfortunately not one that earns you an income. On top of this, babies are expensive, and childcare isn't always worth it. In fact, the cost of daycare often means that moms are left with very little of their payslip left over after paying their childcare bills.

Thankfully, there is an alternative. Side hustles make it easier to generate extra income every month. Many moms take on a side hustle to make money on their own terms whilst keeping their child at home with them.

The extra cash isn't the only benefit - the best side hustles also help to keep the mind active. You can gain valuable experience through your side hustle, keeping you prepared and ready to reenter the workforce in the future. But that may not be the case, as some side hustles for working moms grow into valuable businesses of their own, granting financial security for your family.

Check out this list of side hustles for single moms to find your perfect way to generate a little extra cash for you and your kids.

30 Best Side Hustles for Stay at Home Moms

As the financial plight of stay-at-home moms is well-known, there are thousands of multi-level-marketing companies (MLMs) that capitalize on this. These companies work by promising you riches for very little work, but require you to spend money on expensive 'starter packs' to begin your journey and recruit others to do the same.

In contrast, the side hustles we share here have high-earning potential with very little outlay, and don't rely on you recruiting others to join your team. Here are 30 flexible, financially rewarding side hustles for moms - with not a single MLM in sight.

1. Write an Ebook

sell ebooks

If you've ever dreamed of being an author, then there is no better time to start. Writing and publishing your own ebook is easier than you think.

You could craft a page-turning novel or write informative non-fiction books to share your expertise. From sharing your parenting journey, to writing a romantic novel, there are no limits on the type of book that you can create. Once the book starts selling, you'll earn passive income.

2. Sell Graphic Design Services

Do you know your way around Photoshop? Businesses are always in need of eye-catching designs for their logos, social media posts, and branding. Market yourself online as a graphic designer and you could soon be creating designs that turn heads and bring in sales.

3. Launch a Paid Community for Moms

sell community membership

Being a mom immediately gives you something in common with millions of women all over the world. You can draw on this shared experience to bring people together in a paid community.

First, you'll need to identify the niche you're targeting. Are you reaching out to moms who are interested in home schooling, parents of multiples, working moms, or new moms in need of support? Create content which can benefit your target audience, such as webinars, meal planning tools, home schooling resources, and more. Choose your platform and set up your community, then start marketing it to those moms who are in need of support.

You'll need to decide on a pricing model to make money from your community. You could charge a subscription fee or offer memberships with different levels of access for different price points.

4. Create a Digital Playgroup

You can also create an online space for kids as a side hustle. Virtual playgroups were a big hit during covid lockdowns, and they still continue to be a success with parents looking for an easy way for their child to connect with others.

First, work out which age group you want to cater to. Next, set up an online playgroup that has a unique value proposition. Will you offer expert-led sessions, a calming storytime, or educational activities? Work out what you can offer and decide on a pricing model to monetize your digital kid-focused space.

5. Become a Pet Sitter

Many moms get started with pet sitting by looking after a friend's pet while they are away. It's possible to make a career out of pet sitting by offering your services online. You'll be responsible for feeding, walking, and checking in on pets to ensure they aren't missing their human companions too much. Reputation is everything in this gig, so be sure to ask for reviews to convince pet owners that you are the caring and responsible pet sitter they are searching for.

6. Start a Kids' YouTube Channel


YouTube is a fantastic educational resource that many kids and parents have already tapped into. By starting a kids' YouTube channel, you could share your expertise and interests with kids around the world, and potentially earn an incredible amount of money (did you know that as of 2023, Ms Rachel is worth more than $10 million?).

Once you have a following there are many different ways to monetize your YouTube channel. From ad revenue to memberships, premium content and merchandise, this side hustle has the potential to become a high earner.

7. Plan Parties

If there's one thing that can cause stress for parents, it's birthday parties. From organizing venues to ordering food, creating invitations and sourcing supplies, there is a lot to think about for a kids party. You can relieve some of this stress by offering party planning services.

This is another side hustle that can be done completely virtually, and you can offer a range of different packages so that the celebrating family can sit back and enjoy their special day.

8. Become a Translator

Multilingual moms can also work as translators. You'll work on written texts, translating them from a language you speak fluently into your native language, ensuring that the final text sounds natural. You can do this work while baby is napping, as it's entirely flexible. With this side gig, you could end up translating anything from novels to technical manuals, depending on your interests and skills.

9. Write a Mom Blog

make money as a blogger

Mom blogs have been popular for many years. You can share stories from your parenting journey with other moms, create connections, and build an impressive writing portfolio.

It may take a while to build an audience, but if your blog becomes popular, then there are many opportunities to make money through this popular side hustle for stay at home moms. Monetize your mom blog through ads, affiliate links, merchandise, premium content, or paid blog post writing gigs.

10. Teach Languages Online

If you speak more than one language, then you're in the perfect position to take on one of the best side hustles for stay at home moms. People all over the world are looking for online teachers to help them become fluent in a new language. You could offer structured lessons, conversation practice, or a mixture of the two. Plus, you can combine this with selling ebooks, worksheets, and courses to help students improve their language skills.

11. Create a Paid Newsletter

paid newsletter

A paid newsletter is one of the best side hustles for moms. You can write whenever your little one gives you a little time to yourself, and schedule the email software to send out your newsletter at a time that suits your subscribers.

Think about what you can offer to subscribers to make your newsletter worthwhile for them. Do you have tips and tricks for parenting a child with a rare condition? Or balancing life with a newborn? Think about what makes your situation unique to create a newsletter that stands out from the crowd.

12. Become a Photographer

If you have some flair with a camera, then why not try becoming a professional photographer? You could photograph weddings, pets, families, or sporting events, creating treasured memories for everyone involved. Photographers who can capture a moment are always in demand, so why not invest in some good camera equipment, practice your craft, and start marketing your services?

13. Sell Online Coaching

Coaches help people achieve their goals in many areas of their lives, from career to fitness. You can use online marketplaces (like Whop) to find clients who are desperate for someone to guide them through a new challenge they are taking on. You'll have the satisfaction of encouraging someone to achieve their dreams. If you do a great job, then your clients are sure to recommend you to their friends, allowing you to grow your coaching business.

14. Take Part in Affiliate Marketing Programs

We have mentioned YouTube, blogging, newsletters, and paid communities. All of these options are great ways to take part in affiliate marketing.

How often do you recommend products to your mom friends? When you join an affiliate marketing program, you share links to products on social media, newsletter, or blog, and get paid every time someone clicks through and makes a purchase. It's one of the easiest ways to earn money online, simply for talking about the things you love.

15. Try Freelance Writing

Copywriting is one of the most flexible side hustles for single moms. If you're a good wordsmith, you can craft compelling texts for companies in your quiet moments, and earn a decent income in the process. You might end up writing product descriptions, blog posts, landing pages, or something else. The work is varied and interesting, with earnings increasing as you gain more experience.

16. Create and Sell an Online Course

create an. online course

While creating a course may not be something you have thought of before, everyone has some area of expertise that they can share. Yours might be coding, crafting, or culinary creations. Whatever your passion, you can create a course on an online learning platform and sell it to interested students. You'll gain passive income every time someone purchases your course.

17. Sell Social Media Management Services

Small businesses rely on social media to connect with potential customers. However, they're often too busy to spend all day posting on Facebook or Instagram. That's a problem, as it leads to neglected social media pages that leave customers wondering if the business is still operating.

As a social media manager, you'll be responsible for managing a company's social media accounts. That involves responding to questions and comments, creating posts that generate engagement, and developing strategies for increasing visibility. You can do this job on a freelance basis for several small businesses, or focus all your attention on a single company who can afford to pay big rates for your magic touch.

18. Sell Digital Files

digital files

You don't have to be an artist or technical expert to create digital files. Using tools like Canva you can easily create coloring sheets, worksheets, quizzes and daily routines. Then, take these digital files and sell them to other moms online.

19. Offer Online Tutoring

Tutoring can be one of the most lucrative side hustles for stay at home moms. With just a few students, you could earn hundreds of dollars a week, while having the satisfaction of helping someone learn something new.

Perhaps you want to help a high school kid learn algebra? Or teach piano lessons from the comfort of your own home? Whatever skill you have, online tutoring is the ideal way to pass it on and make money in the process.

20. Sell Proofreading and Editing Services

Are you eagle-eyed when it comes to spotting mistakes in written text? Proofreading is a vital service that is always in demand. You'll spot not just spelling errors, but also grammar mistakes and issues with formatting. As you gain experience, you might choose to move into freelance editing, which involves helping authors polish their manuscripts.

21. Make and Sell Handcrafted Goods

diy products

Do you love crafting? Why not try selling your handmade jewelry, clothes, pin badges, or art on a platform such as Etsy? Your favorite hobby could become a valuable side hustle.

Many people are prepared to pay a decent price for items that have been crafted with love. Be sure to ask friends and family for reviews of products you've given or sold to them, as these can help to strengthen your reputation online.

22. Try Online Bookkeeping

Many businesses today are turning to virtual bookkeepers to help them manage their financial affairs. This side hustle for moms involves processing invoices, preparing financial reports, and keeping track of income and expenses.

If you have a good head for numbers and know your way around an Excel spreadsheet, then it's a great way to generate a side income to help your own budget look a little more balanced.

23. Become a Virtual Assistant

Being a mom gives you a lot of skills that are in demand among virtual assistants. You're probably already a pro at scheduling, communication and event planning, so why not offer those services? Being a virtual assistant involves helping your clients with all the admin tasks they'd rather not deal with on a day-to-day basis. You can offer as many hours a week as you like, which makes it one of the most flexible side hustles for moms.

24. Sell Products Online

sell online

As your kids grow out of their clothes and toys, you're likely to have a lot of items piling up. Rather than throwing them out, do your wallet (and the planet) a favor by selling things you no longer need online. By listing your once-treasured items for sale on eBay or Vinted, you can recoup a lot of the costs associated with parenthood.

If you really want to make money selling products then you can make money by reselling goods. Source goods online, have them sent to your home, and resell them for a profit.

25. Become a Transcriptionist

Transcriptionists listen to audio recordings, such as podcasts or interviews, and transcribe them into text. To excel at this side hustle, you'll need to be able to type quickly and accurately. You'll also need good grammar and spelling skills to create an accurate and easy-to-read transcript.

This is another easy side hustle that you can do while your baby is sleeping, as you can work in time blocks throughout the day.

26. Try Dropshipping


If the idea of dealing with inventory in your home doesn't appeal to you, then dropshipping is a great alternative. With dropshipping you sell products online without ever handling the product yourself. When you receive an order, you contact the company that sells it and get them to ship it directly to the client. Drop shipping is a low-risk way to make a living online, with low start up costs. You simply have to be organized to stay on top of orders and offer good communication to your customers.

27. Try Voice-over Work

Another option for moms with smooth voices is to work as a voice-over artist. You can voice commercials and animations from home, as long as you have a quiet space in which to do the recordings. As you gain experience, you could earn excellent rates for voicing characters or singing jingles for all kinds of companies.

28. Walk Dogs

Many people are looking for a regular dog walker to take their pooch out to play while they are at work, and while you take your baby for a walk in their stroller, why not take a dog along with you too? Try using an app such as Rover to meet dog owners who are looking for a responsible walker for their four-legged friend. As your customer base grows, you can take out several dogs at once, increasing your income potential. Just be sure not to take on more pooches than you can safely handle.

29. Start a Podcast


Podcasts are hugely popular among new moms - but have you ever thought of making your own? Starting a podcast is a great way to talk about a topic that ignites your passion, whether that's true crime, history, trail running, parenting, or writing. All you need is the ability to speak about your chosen topic and the motivation to regularly put out new episodes. You might also want to invest in a decent microphone to ensure good sound quality.

Once your podcast has attracted a decent base of listeners, you can monetize it. That involves asking for donations, running ads, or attracting a sponsor. Some podcasters also sell merchandise, such as T-shirts, books, and other items, to their fan bases.

30. Offer Resume Writing

There are many people out there who would love to get back into the workforce but don't know how to craft an attractive resume. If that's something you have experience of doing successfully, then you can market your services to job seekers as a resume writer. You'll have the satisfaction of helping your clients land the jobs of their dreams, whilst earning money working online from home in your own time.

Finding a Work-Life Balance as a Stay-at-Home Mom

No matter which of these side hustles for moms you choose, you will need to invest time and energy into making it a success. That can be tough when you have little ones demanding so much of your attention.

The key is to set clear boundaries around your side hustle. Be clear about your working hours and don't respond to emails or calls outside of them. Similarly, insist that your family doesn't intrude on your working time.

Maintaining separation between work and home life can be challenging, but it's essential to protect your mental health. Work in time blocks of a pre-determined length, and never feel guilty about taking a scheduled break.

Carefully consider which of the above options is right for you. Many side hustles generate passive income. For example, if you publish an ebook or online course, you create it once and make money every time someone purchases it. Passive income is the best way to continue to meet your financial commitments without burning out.

Finally, be sure to plan ahead when you're getting into one of these side hustles for moms. Organization is the key to success. Use calendars or task management apps to decide in advance when you'll get your work done, so it doesn't interfere with your parenting commitments.

Start Your Side Hustle With Whop

The best way to make extra income as a mom is by starting an online side hustle. The above list should give you plenty of inspiration, but if you're still looking for more tips, check out more easy ways to make money online.

To make the most from your side hustle incorporate multiple revenue streams into one. For example, start a mom blog, ask readers to sign up for your newsletter, create a paid community and sell downloadables. The key is finding a platform to support you through all of this, and that platform is Whop.

Whop is a social commerce platform where you can sell digital products and services. It's extremely easy to get started - you create your own whop, which is an online hub for your business, and add apps to sell your products and services. From ebooks to paid communities, webinars to courses, you can create and sell it all with Whop. Best of all, Whop doesn't make money unless you make money, and takes only a 3% cut, with no upfront fees.